Tuesday 23 July 2013

8 Yoga Styles - Which One Would You Prefer?

Yoga is one of the most interesting physical activities that can help you gain immense mental well-being as well as physical strength. Given that it has been there since time immemorial, its numerous benefits are definitely something that you should strive to embrace going forward. There are different styles of yoga and some of the most popular being Bikram, Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Prenantal and Restorative Yoga. These are detailed below.

Bikram Yoga

What differentiates this type of yoga from others is the temperature at which it is performed. Its 26 postures are performed in a relatively hot environment so the person is bound to sweat profusely. In the course of promoting sweating, Bikram Yoga helps to detoxify the body thereby creating room for expulsion of toxins. As well, it is a metabolic booster and by extension a fat burner.


This is actually the most popular form of yoga. It involves doing a series of moves combined with meditation and breathing techniques. Among its key benefits is that it is quite effective in managing stress and relaxing the mind. Aside from that, it brings immense physical benefits such as weight loss, personal confidence and so forth to the trainer.

Vinyasa Yoga

The term Vinyasa means to place or arrange in a special way. The interpretation of Vinyasa in terms of yoga means carefully arranging sequences of yoga poses according to the breath movement. It resembles some sort of dance but all the same is quite helpful in the achievement of perfect body alignment. 

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga basically focuses on improving your physical strength and enhancing flexibility. Its vigorous yet systematic moves are quite superb for perfecting the skills of Bikram, Hatha and Vinyasa moves. Ashtanga comprises six independent series.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalin Yoga is meant to awaken the energy found at the base of the spinal cord. Once this energy is awakened, it passes through different points of the body leading to better mental and physical performance. In fact, that is why some people call it the "Yoga of Awareness".

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar is in most cases listed as a form of hatha yoga - the only difference is that it places more emphasis on alignment and perfection of poses. It is quite great a choice for anyone who needs physical therapy.

Prenatal Yoga

This one is a perfect way to strengthen core muscles, improve blood circulation and enhance flexibility - all which are quite important during pregnancy. The main benefit of indulging in this type of yoga is that it helps make labor pain less painful than usual by reducing tension and enhancing oxygen in the body.

Restorative Yoga

If you are looking for a way to improve your physical, mental and emotional health, restorative yoga is a perfect option to take. Many of its poses are however much similar to those performed in other types of yoga except that they are performed with the help of support of props.

Now that you are familiar with all the main types of Yoga, it is now time to choose one that suits you best. All the best!